Lua mode

 --[[ example useless code to show lua syntax highlighting this is multiline comment ]] function blahblahblah(x) local table = { "asd" = 123, "x" = 0.34, } if x ~= 3 then print( x ) elseif x == "string" my_custom_function( 0x34 ) else unknown_function(
            "some string" ) end --single line comment end function blablabla3() for k,v in ipairs( table ) do --abcde.. y=[=[ x=[[ x is a multi line string ]] but its definition is iside a highest level string! ]=] print(" \"\" ") s = math.sin( x ) end

Loosely based on Franciszek Wawrzak's CodeMirror 1 mode. One configuration parameter is supported, specials, to which you can provide an array of strings to have those identifiers highlighted with the lua-special style.

MIME types defined: text/x-lua.